बुधवार, 2 अक्टूबर 2013

importent medicine for cold cugh,and tonsilits

importent medicine for cold cugh,and tonsilits
1-normal cold,nose block , -antim tart 30+beladona30+phytolacca200 ,three time in day.
2-complete nose bloke with cold- nux vomica 30 every half an hour if  come to fever then take aconite30+beladona30+brayonia 30    4 time in a day.
3-cold &fever-  jasticia Q  15 drop three time in a day +osmium sactum Q ,4 time in a day
4-nose saynus-kali bycromicum 30+mercsol 30+pulsatilla 30  three time in aday
5-infection in inhealing systum-jasticia Q  15 drop three time in a day +ocimum sactumQ ,4 time in a day

importent medicine for  ear,nose,throght-
1-fungus in ear- use in mulen oil
2-acquete pain in ear-beladona30+chamomilla 30+megphos 30 4 time in a day
3-pain in mid ear-beladona30+chamomilla 30+megphos 30 4 time in a day
4-maneres desese in ear feel in sound  - acid selisayclic 30 +netrum mure 30 +causticum 30 + kali phos 30
5-tonsilits- bela dona30 +phyto lucca 30 +lachesis 30 4 time in aday
6-throat pain- bela dona30 +phyto lacca 30 +bryonia 30 , 4 to 5 time in a day

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