शुक्रवार, 6 सितंबर 2013


Ten Tips 
Croton TigliumAphoniaCROTON TIG. has complete loss of voice from drinking cold water when overheated.Dr. H.M.Edwards
Damiana AphrodisiacaInsomniaDAMIANA is an excellent remedy FOR INSOMNIA. It should be given in Q,  15 – 20 drop doses, every 2 hours. In severe cases, it may be given every half an hour and the patient will sleep after 2 doses.Dr. R.B.Das
DiphtherinumPost-diphtheric ParalysisIf your apparently well indicated remedy fails in post-diphtheritic paralysis, think of DIPHTHERINUM; it has been found to work well in many of the cases.Dr. H.C.Allen
Doryphora DecemlineataUrethritisDORYPHORA is indicated in urethritis in children under 10 years of age, when the trouble has been provoked by local irritation. In these cases, think also of HYOSCYAMUS.Dr. Farrington
Elaterium OfficinarumIntermittent FeverMental insanity coming on after suppression of intermittent fever.Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar
Equisetum HyemalePregnancy ComplaintsA specific for retention and dysuria during pregnancy and after delivery.Homeopathic Treasury
Ferrum AceticumBronchial AsthmaIndicated in cases of Asthma aggravated by sitting still and lying down.Dr. Prabhakar Shetty
Gelsemium SempervirensAlcoholismFor the ill effects of Alcohol withdrawal causing convulsions.Dr. Prabhakar Shetty
Gnaphalium PolycephalumRheumatismIndicated in cases of rheumatism accompanied by loose stool.Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar
Hecla LavaHECLA LAVA is useful for the neuralgic pains after tooth extraction. The 30th potency works best.Dr. Hughes

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